Jurassic Earth
Dino-tastic Adventure Awaits at Jurassic Earth!
Embark on a prehistoric journey at Jurassic Earth, the ultimate live dinosaur show that promises excitement for the whole family! Join our fearless rangers as they guide you through a world where dinosaurs roam freely. From the towering T-Rex to the gentle Brontosaurus, encounter a diverse array of dinosaur species like never before.
Become an Official Dinosaur Ranger by mastering Rangers Danger’s class, and get up close and personal with these magnificent creatures. Witness the thrill of a hatching dinosaur egg and meet adorable baby dinosaurs like the Ankylosaurus and Pterodactyl.
This 75-minute interactive extravaganza is suitable for all ages, featuring incredible animatronics and lifelike performances that will leave you in awe. Get ready to laugh, scream, and sing along as you embark on this roarsome adventure through Jurassic Earth. Don’t miss out on the excitement – book your tickets now!
🌟 Highlights:
- Meet the world’s largest T-Rex and other incredible dinosaurs.
- Become an Official Dinosaur Ranger with Rangers Danger’s masterclass.
- Witness the hatching of a dinosaur egg and meet adorable baby dinosaurs.
- Suitable for all ages, guaranteeing fun for the whole family.
An unforgettable Jurassic experience!